There is a
free png to jpg converter, easy for online usage.
So how does
png to jpg converter function? To convert
png to jpeg, choose png file from your computer, set quality and push "Go", you will get jpg(jpeg) image in couple seconds after that.
Let's remind you what are the main features of those file formats.
As you may know
PNG is a bitmapped image format that applies data compression without losses. The full name is Portable Network Graphics.
PNG was created on purpose to replace GIF, because png is much better.
What is more PNG supports palette-based RGB or RGBA images, and pixel transparent mode.
PNG was designed for images to have better quality – the one that gif cannot provide. Nowadays it is one of most popular image format in web (the leader is jpg).
All modern browsers support its pixel transparency. PNG images can either be made up of one or more channels or use palette-indexed color.
The bit depth of the channel, aka number of bits allocated per pixel can reach 24 bits in this format.
As we alredy mentioned
JPEG is the most popular format in the Internet.
It is a widely used method of compression for hight quality painted images or photographic images, but transparent pixels cannot be used here.
The degree of compression can of course be adjusted, so the higher is the quality, the larger image you will get in the output.
This compression method is lossy, so some original image data is lost and cannot be restored after conversation.
This png to jpg converter freeware will allow you to get jpg image, which size will be less than png.
It is not to deal with the converter itself, but it depends on the compression nature of jpg and bitmap nature of png.
In the bottom of page you can see examples of using online png to jpg converter with 75% quality and 100% quality.